Click to learn more about our film Magna Carta and the Constitution, featuring Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Stephen Breyer. Produced in commemoration of the 800th anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta, this film explains the link between this document, considered the foundation of rule of law, due process and modern democracy, and our own American Constitution. We also look at how the Supreme Court has affirmed rule of law and due process in landmark cases, including the 1932 Scottsboro Boys decision, and the case that led to the resignation of President Nixon, United States v. Nixon.
The Constitution Project commemorates the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta with a new film
Check out our new film, Habeas Corpus: The Guantanamo Cases.
Habeas Corpus: The Guantanamo Cases, our film on the fundamental right of habeas corpus and the four landmark Guantanamo cases that affirmed our commitment to the right, is now available online. The film features Associate Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, Stephen Breyer and Anthony Kennedy, and explains how the right of habeas corpus has been challenged, and upheld, in times of national crisis, from the Civil War to the War on Terror.
The Right to Remain Silent Wins a 2014 Clarion Award
The Right to Remain Silent: Miranda v. Arizona has won a 2014 Clarion Award in the Educational Video Production category. Watch our film about this landmark Supreme Court Case here.
The Right to Remain Silent Wins an Award at the 2014 US International Film and Video Festival
Our film “The Right to Remain Silent” on the landmark Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona has received a Silver Screen Award at the 2014 US International Film and Video Festival. Watch our award-winning film here.
The Right to Remain Silent Wins Three CINDY Awards
At the 2014 Spring International CINDY Competition, The Right to Remain Silent: Miranda v. Arizona received a Gold Award in the category of Education: K-12 and Special Achievement Awards for both Editing and Direction. Watch our film here.
The Right to Remain Silent Wins a 2014 REVERE Award
Our film “The Right to Remain Silent” on the landmark Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona has won a Distinguished Achievement Award as an educational resource at the 2014 REVERE Awards, presented by the Association of American Publishers. To watch the film, click here.